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[E] jayjayx5x1
[E] jayjayx5x1
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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i only had one warning then i stopped and i only used it for trade buying and selling etc anyway i unbanned now thanks
over 13 years ago
can you plz tell me why i was banned and thankyou for cleaning the thread up
over 13 years ago
name: jayjayx5x1 date of ban: 30th december 2011 banned by: i have not been informed reason: i have not been informed Notes: i do not now why i was banned and i would like to now why and who banned me for i would like to get back to playing in minetown asap
over 13 years ago
thanks for your help guys ^_^ and respect pyrefangs rquest and everyone plz don reply unless u are a moderator,admin,OP or directly involved
over 13 years ago
i was just humbly build a lighthouse in minecraft and i posted that i would like to buy slimeballs in the trade and a day or two ago i recieved a warning if i post in trade for general chat one more time i would be banned so i continued to use trade only for trading and then today shortly after i post buting slimeballs i was banned for no apparent reason and if above is the reason then one of your moderators is very unfair cause i have been a good player except for my friend who i used to share my account with who was being rude so i change my password and he now has no access and i would like to continue to play plz cause i have many projects that i would love to see built in mine town eg fountain of youth (in progress), The light( a range of lighthouses called light towers1,2,3 etc light tower 1 is almost finished anyway plz unban me
over 13 years ago